12/26 Shooto Border Season 2

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Shooto will hold their Border Season 2 event in Hirano Kumin Hall, Osaka. The card will feature a main event between Shooto veteran Junji Ikoma and Teppei Masuda.

Shooto will also be kicking off their 2011 rookie tournament here

8. Fly: Junji Ikoma 12-12-5 vs. 5-3-1 Teppei "BULL" Masuda
7. 67kg: Takumi Nakayama 13-13-4 vs. 6-3-0 "Jackknife" Tsuneo Kimura
6. Welter: Hiroshi Shiba 8-7-1 vs. 5-4-3 "Gypsy" Taro Kusano

Rookie Tournament:
5. Light: Motohiro Takenawa 4-5-0 vs. Shiro Stronger Amakusa
4. Fly: Toshio Mitani 0-3-0 vs. Satoshi Takeo
3. Welter: Tomoya "Russian" Suzuki 2-1-0 vs. Tatsuhiko Hirase
2. Bantam: Kouki Ota vs. Santouhei Yokoyama
1. Feather: Monjiro TK Hanareme vs. Naritoshi Kakuta

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