2/28 DEEP 46 - Light-Heavyweight Tournament mtachups Announced

Friday, 5 February 2010

DEEP have announced the matchups for their opening round of the lightheavyweight tournament. The finals will be on April 17.

I think M'Pumbu should be the favorite going in, but I hope Noji does well here. He has a great fighting spirit and I hope he gets through to the finals.

Also announced is a fight between the former DEEP champion, Hidehiko Hasegawa and Taisuke Okuno.

DEEP Lightheavyweight Tournament Opening Round:
Ryuta Noji 8-5-0 vs. 9-17-1 Katsuhisa Fujii
Minoru Kato 2-8-3 vs. 7-4-2 Shunsuke Inoue
Christian “Tonton” M’Pumbu 14-2-1 vs. 11-15-1 Yuji Sakuragi
Carlos Toyota 3-3-1 vs. 5-1-0 Yoshiyuki Nakanishi

Hidehiko Hasegawa 18-12-6 vs. 8-4-2 Taisuke Okuno

Previously Anounced:
Non-Tournament Fights:

Riki Fukuda 15-4-0 vs 18-22-2 Hiromitsu Kanehara
Yoshihiro "Barbaro44" Tomioka 14-7-6 vs. 10-4-3 Toshiaki Kitada
Eiji Ishikawa 18-15-2 vs. 8-12-3 Shigetoshi Iwase
Hiroshi “Iron” Nakamura 9-3-5 vs. 7-9-4 Isao Terada
Yasushi Kitazaki 10-6-1 vs. 0-1-1 Yuta Aoyama
Takashige "Crazy Hill" Hirukawa 2-1-0 vs. 2-0-0 Yoshiki Harada

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