KSW MMA Traing Camp
Thursday, 28 May 2009
I have been included on some very interesting mails the last week, and I really appreaciate them all!
One I want to share with MMA fans is this one. KSW is organizing a 10 day training camp with a chance to train with some of their best fighters. This is an AMAZING oppurtunity for fighters that want an experience over the summer. The guys at KSW are very serious and I just wish I would be able to join for this.
Here are some details of the camp:
Train with the best, attend KSW Team training Camp
With eleven “Martal Arts Confrontation” events, two KSW Elemination and one KSW Extra under their belt, KSW Federation, the biggest MMA organization in Europe, owners Martin Lewandowski and Maciej Kawulski do not intend to rest on their laurels and still plan to popularize Mixed Martial Arts in Poland.
Ten-day long MMA Training Camp with KSW Team fighters, which starts on the 5th and ends on the 15th of July, is their new project. All the fighters and MMA enthusiasts, who want to participate in the camp, will be able to train with the best mixed martial artists in Poland. Antoni Chmielewski, Mamed Khalidov and Maciej Górski will coach for the first five days, whereas Krzysztof Kułak, Jan Błachowicz and Daniel Dowda will lead the training camp for the following days. All of them will pass on their technical knowledge, which they use in their fights. Comprehensive cardio and endurance training, with running sessions, intervals, outside work-outs and weight training, is also a part of the camp – says Michał Garnys, KSW Team strength and conditioning coach and project coordinator.
KSW Federation owners along with Garnys have decided that the holiday-conditioning resort in Jakubowo is the prefect place for the camp. Jakubowo lies on the south side of Probarskie lake. The resort is situated in woods, by the lake and for many years there have been organized various sports camps. The facility is perfectly suited for any kind of sporting activities.
The resort posses: a hotel with rooms of various standards, chalets with bathrooms, a shed with a judo mat, a guarded beach with piers, volleyball, basketball and beach volleyball playgrounds. If you want any information about the resort in Jakubowo visit their website www.okwjakubowo.com.pl
The ten-day long camp with KSW Team costs only 1350 zloty. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Michal Garnys, Tel: 0-510-30-11-30, e-mail: michal.garnys@konfrontacja.com
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