HERO`s pictures

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Ok, a little late with the post. Monday was the big event, and I had a great time. Since I am late, I will not spend too much time on the results.

There were some disapointments and some strong performances.

First of all disapointments:
-"Shaolin" I believe he is not happy with his performance, JZ won an easy victory.
-Also, I was disapointed with Uno, "Dida" outclassed him.
Update: It is reported that Caol Uno broke his jaw early in the first round. The damage was caused by a knee, and defiantely had an impact on how the match went.

On the positive side:
-JZ, defended his title and proved what a great fighter he is.
-Dong Sik Yoon, he was very impressive in his fight, I cant wait to see him again.
-Sakuraba, looked in shape and was very impressive.
-"Kid" got back in the ring. Did not win by KO, but looked in great shape and the KO will come in his next fight.

Now for some pictures:

Will come back with more comments and pictures later.


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