Pride Fighters Moving to UFC

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Sherdog has an interesting article today ( on the exodus of Pride fighters moving to UFC. For me it is not the fighters moving to the UFC that is eyecatching. I am surprised at a couple of things:

1. None of the really top Japanese MMA fighters have accepted any contract.
2. The UFC does not seem to want to keep their side of the contract they have taken over after Pride(Joachim Hansen was offered half his contracted salary to fight in the UFC).

December 31 is when we really know what will happen with stars such as Gomi, Shinya Aoki, Tatsuya Kawajiri, Kasuo Misaki and other international stars such as Joachim Hansen. This is reportedly when their contracts run out.

My guess is that if these fighters were going to the UFC, they would have signed already. And lets face it, Japan is one of the biggest MMA markets in the world and where these fighters are likely to make the most money. Most of these fighters will most likely find their way to HEROs.


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