7/13 HEAT 7 - ZAPP Nagoya

Saturday, 5 July 2008

From the 13th to the 24th July there will be lots of events happening in Japan. In Nagoya HEAT is holding the 1st round in a couple of tournaments they will have this year. The card looks like this:

MMA-Rule Heavyweight Tournament Round 1:
Amazon Juninho vs. Lee Sang Soo
Minoru Kato vs. Christiano Kaminishi

Kick-Rule Heavyweight Tournament Round 1:
Gotoku Onda vs. Jason Suttie

Kick-Rule Middleweight Tournament Round 1:
Yuzo Matsumoto vs. Nathan Willet
Kinji vs. Park Eun Seok

MMA-Rule Welterweight Tournament Round 1:
Yoshitaro Nimi vs. Jun Kito
Pedro Akira vs. Justin Holdaas

New-Age Fights:
Kick-Rule: Gaku Sakai vs. Masaaki Noiri
Kick-Rule: Yoshiharu Ono vs. Takao Niki
MMA-Rule: Kazuyosi Hioki vs. Kozaburo Muramatsu
MMA-Rule: Hironobu Yoshida vs. YUSUKE

Ticket Prices:
Premium Seat (20 available) 25,000円SRS 18,000円/RS 13,000円/S 8,000円/Standing 5,000円
at the door +500円

English information here:http://heatofficial.com/english
HEAT has posted videos from past events here:http://heatofficial.com/category/video


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