8/2 DEEP - MegaTon GP Finals

Sunday, 27 July 2008

So it is time for the Megaton GP finals. This GP has given us some memorable moments and I am sure the finals will give us some more. Not really technical fights, but entertaining.

As always, audience members weighing in at more than 100kg will get a 500yen drink coupon.

MegaTon GP Semi-Finalists (Match-ups will be drawn on the day):
Yusuke Kawaguchi 5-0-0
Ken Orihashi 5-6-0
Shunsuke Inoue 3-2-0
Shunji Kosaka 2-0-0

MegaTon GP Reserve Fight:
Mamoru Nakamura 1-2-0 vs. 1-3-0 Wakaarashi

Non-MegaTon Fights:
Sotaro Yamada 5-4-0 vs. 3-2-1 Ryoji Suzuki
Mika Hayashi 2-2-0 vs. HARI

Oyaji Grappling-Rule:
Samio Kimura vs. Shinichiro Eguchi

VIP 8,000
S 8,000
Standing 4,000
At the door: +500

IRO Zeki vs. Ariyama Iitomo (2nd round reserve fight)

MegaTon Digest 2

MegaTon Digest 1


Coyote 27 July 2008 at 04:29  

Hey Man¡¡¡¡
Hello from Mexico

You Gonna go top see this final conflict of deep?

:) Deep make crazy stuff right

Borre 27 July 2008 at 05:06  

Hi Coyote!

Think I will give this one a miss.. There are lots of things happening in the middle of August, so will save my money til then.

Will catch this on TV though.

Anonymous,  27 July 2008 at 06:48  

I'm picking Yusuke Kawaguchi to win the GP, he looked pretty good in his fights.

Borre 27 July 2008 at 08:42  

Totally agree with Kawaguchi to take this. But in this event, one punch can change everything.

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