8/27 Pancrase Shining Tour - Neo-Blood Finals

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Pancrase have anounced a few more fights for their Neo-Blood finals event. As I said, last year this was a very good event and I will be there this time too. Steve Magdaleno now has an opponent, I hope his knee is ok from his previous fight. Also added is the lightweight fight between Ikari and Matsuda.

LW: Yuichi Ikari 9-4-3 vs. 6-4-0 Eriya Matsuda

Neo-Blood Finals:
Bantamweight: Takuya Eizumi 1-0-0 vs. 2-0-0 Isao Hirose
Featherweight: Yasutomo Tanaka 5-1-3 vs. 1-0-0 Hirotoshi Saito
Lightweight: Steve Magdaleno 4-0-1 vs. Hiroki Aoki
Welterweight: Masahiro Toryu 5-3-3 vs. 4-6-0 Tomoyoshi Iwamiya


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