9/28 Shooto Tradition 3 - Fight Announced

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Shooto have announced an additional fight for their Tradition 3 card. For me, I am still looking forward to seeing who they will match Rambaa Somdet with, but we have to wait for that.

Announced today:
Tenkei Fujimiya 7-3-2 vs. 5-1-2 Shintaro Ishiwatari

Previously Announced:
Featherweight World Title Fight:
Masakatsu Ueda 8-0-1 vs. 6-2-0 Marcos “Louro” Galvao

Yasuhiro Urushitani 14-3-6 vs. 7-4-2 Yuki Shoujou
Masaaki Sugawara 6-3-0 vs. 5-2-0 Takuya Mori

Rookie Tournament:
Naoki Hirayama 1-0-0 vs. 1-2-2 Takuya Sato
Horishige Tanaka 1-0-0 vs. 1-0-0 Atsushi Kobayashi
Kota Funaki 1-0-0 vs. 1-0-0 Kentaro Watanabe
Junji Ito 2-1-0 vs. 1-0-0 Yoshitaka Aki

Rambaa "M-16" Somdet 4-2-0


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