7/27 DEEP 36 Impact Osaka - Fights added

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Saeki held a pressconference today and that means LOTS of updates to DEEP cards. I hope I have time to go through them all...

DEEP 36 has had no less than 10 fights added! That means that the card (including the Next Level fights) has 18 fights. Should be a good event in Zepp Osaka.

Seigo vs. 1-1-0 Nobuyoshi Takahara
YABU vs. 0-1-0 Masanori Tonooka
Yoshinobu Kawamura 2-3-1 vs. Junzo Tokunaga
Young Choi "RYO" 9-5-0 vs. 5-4-4 Takenori Sato
Hiroshi Shiba 4-3-0 vs. 0-5-1 Yasunori Kanehara
Fukuko Hamada 4-2-0 vs. 7-4-2 Yasuko Tamada
Yuya Aikawa 0-1-0 vs. Miyamonta
Nobuhiro Yoshitake 0-3-1 vs. 5-1-0 Hiroto
Yasuaki Kishimoto vs. 1-0-0 Reisyo Shoda
Makoto Kamaya 8-4-1 vs. Yuki Kamijima

Previously Announced:
DEEP Welterweight Title Fight:
Hidehiko Hasegawa 14-9-5 vs. 16-14-5 Seichi Ikemoto

Tomoyuki Fukami 7-1-4 vs. 4-1-0 Koichiro Matsumoto
Isao Terada 4-5-4 vs. 3-2-0 Toru Harai

James Low vs. Kareem “Sugarbear” Byron (?)
Hasu Takeno vs. Takashi Murakami

Jin Hirayama vs. Katsuki Ishida
Shohei Fujita vs. NakagawaΩJien乙ΩKoki
Suzuna Nakamura vs. Kumiko Nanba

Stage VIP 15,000円
VIP 12,000円 
RS 8,000円
A 6,000円 
2nd Floor 6,000円
At the door +500円


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