Satoshi Ishii signs for Sengoku!

Monday, 1 June 2009

Another huge signing for Sengoku, Bejing Olympic Judo gold medalist Satoshi Ishii has signed a 2 year multi fight contract. The contract also allows him to fight in organisations overseas.

This is a HUGE deal for Sengoku, and Ishii will be their biggest draw in Japan.

Ishii caused a lot of controversy when he right after winning the olympic gold said he would like to fight Fedor. Initially he was rumored to have been offered a $5,000,000 contract wth DREAM, then it looked like he was more likely to be heading to an American organization.

It should have been a sign when he entered the Sengoku ring on their new year's show, but even then he showed his intentions by wearing a UFC shirt.

It is good to see him fighting in Japan now, it will give MMA in Japan a much needed boost! No date has yet been set for his debut.


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