12/11 Jewels 6th Ring - RESULTS

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Jewels held their 6th event earlier today, some talented fighters on the card. Fighters like Mika Nagano and Shizuka Sugiyama is really becoming stars in this organization. They both won their fights earlier today.

Also German fighter Alexandra Sanchez got a very good win in the Rough Stone tournament final, and I hope we get so see more of her.

In the main event Saori Ishioka defeated Sally Krumdiack by TKO.

-52.5kg: Saori Ishioka Def. Sally Krumdiack by TKO Round 1 2:45

ShootBoxing Rule: -52kg: Akari Def. Asako by Decision 3-0

Rough Stone GP 2009 Finals:
-48kg:Asami Kodera Def. Kikuyo Ishikawa by Decision 3-0
-54kg: Mika Nagano Def. Yuko Kagoshima by armbar Round 2 3:56
-60kg: Alexandra Sanchez Def. Tomoko Morii by armbar Round 1 3:39

-60kg: Shizuka Sugiyama Def. Yukiko "Ko" Ozeki by Decision 3-0
-53.5kg: Mari Kaneko Def. Rina Tomita by Decision 3-0
-48kg: Misaki "Patora" Ozawa Def. Yumiko Inoue by Decision 3-0
-48kg: Yoko Yamada Def. Miyoko Kusaka by Decision 3-0

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