DREAM LHW GP in 2010?

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

In an interview with MMA Junkie, Mousasi manager Apy Echteld has said that Mousasi is planning to compete in a DREAM LHW tournament next year.

According to the story, round 1 will be held on May 30, with round 2 in July.

Should be something to look forward to, if DREAM continue to work with Sengoku (and Strikeforce) we might see a dream fight of Mousasi vs. King Mo.

HT: heavymetalnick

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Unknown 30 December 2009 at 22:08  

They could really make a nice 205 tourney hear if they do it right. There are alot of 205ers and fighters who will fight at 205 that are free agents right now and they have Strike Force they can team up with. I really hope Dream looks to bring in such free agent fighters as Ricardo Arona,Babalu, Jeff Monson, Houston Alexander, even Hector Lombard said he would fight at bolth MW and LHW he does not care, if FEG could get him, then on top of that all the fighters on strike forces roster at 205.

Borre 31 December 2009 at 01:27  

They need Strikeforce to help with some fighters though... As it is DREAM dont have enough LHWs, but that can easily change.

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