11/24 Shoot Boxing (Saitama Super Arena) - Fights Announced (Andy Souwer, Chris Horodecki, Luiz Azeredo)
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Shoot Boxing have announced the fights for their big event of the year. This time its in Saitama Superarena, and it will be HUGE. I went to the last one, and was really impressed by the atmosphere and the quality of the fights. For this card they are really bringing in the big stars though.
On the card is Andy Souwer, Chris Horodecki, Luiz Azeredo and Shoot Boxing star Hiroki Shishido. Last time, Megumi Fuji had a fight, this time they are giving Miku Matsumoto a shot.
This will be a tournament format, like K-1, with quarter finals --> final.
The Tournament set up is like this:
QF1: Andy Souwer vs. Edvin Kibus
QF2: Hiroki Shishido vs. Chris Horodecki
QF3: Denis Schneldmiller vs. Luiz Azeredo
QF4: Kenichi Ogata vs. TBA
SF1: Winner QF1 vs. Winner QF2
SF2: Winner QF3 vs. Winner QF4
Winner SF 1 vs. Winner SF2
Reserve fights:
Kenji Kanai vs. Wei Shoulei
Greg Foley vs. Oh Ju-Suk (?)
Non-Tournament Fight
Miku Matsumoto vs. Lena
Fuuka (Female Pro-Wrestler)
Good event!!
Edwin Kibas = Edvin Kibus
Thanks! Updated the name :)
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