Sengoku Signs Izumi
Friday, 31 October 2008
It is confirmed today that Sengoku has signed the Judo 90kg Olympic silver medalist from Athens. Hiroshi Izumi is a popular Judo fighter in Japan and now he will change to MMA.
It is really an exciting time in Japanese MMA these days! Izumi might make his debut in January.
This is like, if WWE signed Hulk Hogan, and WCW responded by signing Marty Jannetty.
im not ok with the first coment, beacuse judo is not the same as mma, and izumi may be a better fighter than ishii wen its all set and done, for example nastula and takimoto great judokas with sub .500 records but akiyama may have not been as good as them in judo but look at his mma record, so imo its a great signing by sengoku i want to see him at nye show vs kurtanidze
I think he meant Ishii is 10x the star of Izumi. Duh.
Ishii is currently the bigger name, he won his gold this year and he has a personality that makes him popular too.
I dont think it is a competition though...
Both these fighters would draw attention to MMA again, and signing them are good business decisions. Look forward to seeing them both.
I think it would be awesome if either Izumi or Ishii were enough of an attraction to get Naoya Ogawa to return to MMA...
There are rumors...
isn't Ogawa like 40?!
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