5/24 Shooto Spirit 2009 - Sendai

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Shooto will hold an event in Sendai on May 24. It is a good chance to watch some good fights if you are in the area.

The event so far is mainly about the rookie tournament, but there will be an interesting female fight and a grappling match on the card. There should be more fights to come.

Making a return to the ring is Sendai native Takamaro Watari, this will be his first fight in 2 years. He will be taking on Yuki Yasunaga, who will enter the ring for only his 2nd professional fight (he is 3-1 in amature).

Feather: Takamaro Watari 2-4-2 vs. 0-1-0 Yuki Yasunaga
Female Fly: Masako Yoshida 15-14-5 vs. 4-3-0 Yasuko Mogi

Rookie Tournament:
Fly: Yusuke Sato 1-1-0 vs. 0-2-0 Kazuyuki Yoshida
Bantam: Nozomi Otsuka 1-1-1 vs. 0-1-0 Nariyasu Fujita

Toshiaki Hayasaka 0-2-0


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