Narita Airport Accident

Monday 23 March 2009

Another post unrelated to MMA... As faith has it, today I am flying out of Narita, and this morning there was an accident here. This is causing major delays, and a runway is closed.

My thoughts go to the families. It was a transport flight from FedEX (I think), and from what I have heard, there are fatalities.

As far as I know the cras happened at 6:48 AM Japan time, other than that, I have very little information.

I was at Fukuoka Airport about to depart just as this accident happened. As usual, they had the news on there so I got to see the reason for the delay (not a fun feeling)

I was able to take these shots. Guess its been an eventful, but not fun day so far...


Anonymous,  23 March 2009 at 21:32  

RIP anyone that died

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