12/5 K-1 World GP - Reserve Fights Announced

Friday, 6 November 2009

FEG have announced a super-fight, opening fights and reserve fights for this card. The GP fights have been set, and it is looking more open than it has in a while. Semmy Schilt has proven to be beatable and that opens up for a lot of interesting matchups this time.

A lot of people are holding Badr Hari as the favorite after his demolition of Semmy in May.

With an outside chance at the title are the reserve fighters, Peter Aerts will take on Turkish Gokhan Saki, while Romanian Daniel Ghita takes on Chalid "Die Faust".

World GP Reserve Fights (3x3min 1r ext.):
Peter Aerts vs. Gokhan Saki
Daniel Ghita vs. Chalid "Die Faust"

Super-Fight (3x3min 1r ext.):
Kyotaro vs. Tyrone Spong

Opening Fights (3x3min):
Jan Soukup vs. Tsutomu Takahagi
60kg: Keiichi Samukawa vs. Ryuji Kajiwara

Previously Announced:
World GP Quarter Finals (3x3min. 1r Ext.):
QF1:Ruslan Karaev vs. Badr Hari
QF2: Alistair Overeem vs. Ewerton Teixeira
QF3: Jerome Le Banner vs. Semmy Schilt
QF4: Errol Zimmerman vs. Remy Bonjasky

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