Sakuraba's Dynamite Opponent (Rumors)

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

There has been a lot of discussion around Sakuraba's possible opponents.

Nightmare of Battle have their eyes on Misaki, who recently left Grabaka, his long time gym and his nick-name "Grabaka Hitman".

Rumor has it that his days in the Sengoku organisation might also be over (part of Grabaka and Sengoku deal), and he could be heading for Dream, Dynamite and Sakuraba!

Another rumored is Daiju Takase, as Gryphon has put up on his twitter, it is a better opponent for Sakuraba:

SAKURABA's NY eve opponent,one of the candidate is TAKASE Daiju?

this reason is from kamipro special article too. this bloggers guess,article's hint is same as TAKASE Daiju ,they said...

Kamipro's hint ..."If this card come true,Impact is big""It looks not serious,.but actually be very serious ""SAK'll show us his grappling"...

it means TAKASE Daiju? this is not only rumor but also reasonable expection from magazine...

2 rumored opponents and I think Takase is the most likely, but anything can happen and its a long time until NYE.

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