1/24 DEEP 45 Impact - Fighters Announced

Sunday, 29 November 2009

DEEP have announced some participants for the first event next year. It will take place in Zepp Osaka and the main event will most likely be a DEEP welterweight title fight.

Also on the card will be Jutaro Nakao, Young "Ryo" Choi and Seigo Mizuguchi. It should be a good and entertaining card from the looks of it.

HT: Chris Nelson from Bloody Elbow.

DEEP Welterweight Title Fight:
Seichi Ikemoto 18-16-5 vs. TBA

Jutaro Nakao 22-15-4
Tomomi "Taisho" Iwama 7-5-1
Young "Ryo" Choi 12-7-1
Seigo Mizuguchi 6-5-0
Akihiko Mori 7-6-1
Isao Terada 7-9-4 (1 NC)
Yakusaki Kishimoto 8-3-1
Tatsunao Nagakura 4-0-0
Yusuke Kagiyama 8-2-1

Ticket prices:
VIP: 15,000
SRS: 10,000
RS: 8,000
A: 6,000
B: 5,000
2nd Floor: 6,000
At the door, add 500

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