2/13 ShootBoxing - Fights Announced

Monday, 25 January 2010

ShootBoxing have added a few fights to their event in Korakuen Hall on February 13.

There are a few "ranking fights" announced and I am not sure of the significance as I thought all fights were ranking fights... Either way, some very good fighters facing eachother in these fights.

Popular female pro-wrestler Fuuka will take on another popular fighter in former Hustle pro-wrestler Akari. Akari had a ShootBoxing fight in Jewels, and won that.

ShootBoxing Japan Super-Featherweight Ranking Fight:
Akira Utagawa vs. Koya Shimada

ShootBoxing Japan Super-Bantamweight Ranking Fight:
Akito Sakimura vs. Kazuyuki Fushimi

ShootBoxing Japan Super-Featherweight Ranking Fight:
Takeshi Ishikawa vs. Hiroaki Suzuki

Noriyuki Imai vs. Tatsuhiro Takashima
Fuuka Kakimoto vs. Akari

Previously Announced:
Kuniyoshi Hironaka vs. Shinichiro Kuroki

Hiroki Shishido (East Pacific welterweight champion)
Takaaki Umeno (Japan superwelterweight champion)
RENA (Female S-Cup 2009 Champion)

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