DREAM Lightweight Tournament - Rumor Confirmed

Monday, 5 May 2008

It is official, Aoki is still in the tournament! His fight with Nagata will take place on June 15 in DREAM 4. I have to say that this is a good decision by FEG and I hope he is able to get through that fight uninjured. It is also the first fight announced for the June event.



Anonymous,  5 May 2008 at 10:44  

Great news!

I had one question. Why are Sato's pre-fight videos not allowed in the broadcasts outside of Japan? I noticed the Korean broadcast did not show them, and HDNet didnt as well. HDNet said they are willing to show everything FEG gives them, and I guess those videos are not part of the feed that is given to them. Any insight on this, as it really adds A LOT to the production. Thanks!

Anonymous,  5 May 2008 at 10:53  

Dont you mean that Aoki will fight in DREAM 3?? You said DREAM 4. DREAM 4 is the MW GP.

Borre 5 May 2008 at 10:55  

The fight is pushed back to DREAM 4. Doctors does not allow Aoki to fight in DREAM 3, in order for him to recover, the fight is postponed

Anonymous,  5 May 2008 at 16:05  


Aoki will still be the favorite to win, as no one left in the tournament can match his submission skills.

I would like to see Alvarez/hansen vs. Aoki in the semis...see if Aoki can submit Hellboy AGAIN!!!

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