7/7 K-1 World Max Final 8 - Fights

Thursday, 22 May 2008

FEG has announced a number of Superfights for the Final 8 event to be held in Nippon Budokan on July 7.

One of the fighters that will be interesting to see is Dida, the fact that he is fighting in a K-1 event shows the advantage FEG has. They are able to use fighters in both their organizations, it will be interesting to see how long it takes before Mark Hunt is fighting in DREAM now...

Anyway, the card for July 7:

World Max - Quarter-Finals (Semi-final and Final Oct. 1):
Block A
Masato vs. Drago
Yoshihiro Sato vs. Buakaw Por. Pramuk

Block B
Andy Souwer vs. Warren Stevelmans
Yasuhiro Kido vs. Artur Kyshenko

Superfight (Tournament Reserve Fight):
Albert Krause vs. Mike Zambidis

Andre Dida vs. Remigijus Morkevicius
Haruaki Otsuki vs. David Douge
Susumu Daiguji vs. Konstantin Trishin
Daisuke Uematsu vs. Eddy Juozapavicius

K-1 Youth Fights:
Hirotaka Urabe vs. Denis Telitsa
Kizaemon Saiga vs. TBA

Opening Fight:
Alviar Lima vs. Mark Vogel


JR 23 May 2008 at 09:58  

Just wanted to know if there will be a scott coming out to guam to recruit fighters out of guam and saipan. And will have a opporunity to have show coming out to guam.

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