4/29 M-1 Challenge Japan - LIVE on Japan-MMA

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

I will not be streaming the event, details and alternatives here.

I have been given a chance to stream this event live, it is my first time to attempt this but hopefully it will work out. The card is looking awesome, and it should be a very good event.

I will come back with more information as the day comes closer.

The card as it is now:

Japan vs UK
70kg: Luiz Andrada 8-6-3 vs. 6-7-0 Ian "M-16" Butlin
76kg: Hidehiko Hasegawa 16-11-5 vs. 6-2-0 Simon Phillips
84kg: TBA vs. 10-7-0 Matt Thorpe
92kg: Tatsuya Mizuno 5-4-0 vs. 7-6-0 Tom Blackledge
Over 92kg: Yusuke Kawaguchi 8-0-0 vs. 8-4-1 Rob Broughton

USA Team West vs Korea
70kg: David Jansen 9-0-0 vs. 8-1-0 Nam Yuichul
76kg: Fabio Negao 8-4-0 vs. 7-3-0 Myeon Ho Bae
84kg: Giva Santana 11-1-0 vs. 4-7-0 Min Suk Heo
92kg: Raphael Davis 5-1-0 vs 12-6-0 Jae Young Kim
Over 92kg: Shane Del Rosario 5-0-0 vs. 11-6-0 Lee Sang Soo

France vs Spain
70kg: Maktar Gueye 4-3-0 vs. 3-2-0 Jose Luiz Zapater Aguirre
76kg: Farouk Lakebir 2-3-0 vs. 8-1-0 Jose Beltran
84kg: Christophe Daffreville 2-3-0 vs. Rayco Zebenzui Romero Silva
92kg: Christian M'Pumbu 11-2-1 vs. 2-0-0 Enoc Solves
Over 92kg: Soufian Elgarne vs. 5-1-0 Rogent Lloret

84kg: Karl "Psycho" Amoussou 9-2-1 vs. 4-5-1 Kazuhiro Hamanaka

Opening Fights:
65kg: Tomoaki Ueyama 0-3-0 vs. 2-1-0 Yu Hosokawa
Kosuto Umeda 5-7-3 vs. 3-2-0 Muneyuki Sato


Chris 21 April 2009 at 22:33  

Damn, that's major - congrats dude!
I'll be tuning in for sure.

Meyer 22 April 2009 at 01:07  

Oh Awesome ,I'll definitely try to watch this live here.

Borre 22 April 2009 at 07:53  

I just hope it works as planned! I am not the most technical guy on the plannet, so hope it all comes together.

Its looking good, and I am very happy to get this oppurtunity!

New Daddy 28 April 2009 at 17:34  
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Anonymous,  29 April 2009 at 11:53  

2 working streams here http://mixfight.lt/live_stream.html

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