8/2 Sengoku 9 - Hidehiko Yoshida wants to Fight

Sunday, 19 April 2009

During a "Viva Judo!" event in Saitama Japan, Hidehiko Yoshida has said that he is ready to return to the Sengoku ring.

Yoshida is holds is a very important man in the Sengoku promotion, the 1992 Olympic gold medalist has been in the Sengoku ring 3 times, twice in the main envent.

It is easy to forget that in his Judo career, he gold medal was at 78kg. 4 years later he came in 5th at 86kg. At "Sengoku No Ran 2009" he dropped in weight to fight at light-heavyweight. I thought he looked much better at this weight than previously at heavyweight and hope he continues at light-heavyweight.

He lost his fight at light-heavyweight to fellow judoka Sanae Kikuta, but he is not opposed a re-match, and I am sure it would draw the Japanese fans agian even if it is not likely to happen this year.


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