5/24 ZST 20 - Sydney Olympians Tag Team

Monday, 27 April 2009

2 Japanese Olympians from the Sydney games are are teaming up for a ZST tag team fight in ZST 20. ZST are really bringing out some of their most popular fighters for this tag-team fight.

The fight will see the Kazuyuki Miyata/Katsuhiko Nagata pairing take on ZST stars Masayuki Okude and Tetsuya Yamada. This should be a fight the fans will come to watch, and as it is in Differ Ariake this time there is room for more fans than what is normal at the ZST events. I am sure there will be a lot more fights added to this card.

ZST Lightweight Tag-Team:
Kazuyuki Miyata/Katsuhiko Nagata vs. Masayuki Okude/Tetsuya Yamada


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