4/25 Cage Force 10 - Results

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Controversy at the Cage Force event in Differ Ariake today. The main event was cancelled due to Marcus Donahue (I am still not 100% sure of the name) coming in over weight. There was talk of Cage Force doing weigh-ins just before the event, I am not sure if that was the case here but Kuniyoshi Hironaka was announced the winner by disqualification.

What ended up being the main event saw DREAM veteran Motoki Miyazawa win an expected win over Hiroki Nagaoka by rear-naked choke.

Kuniyoshi Hironaka Def. Marcus Donahue by DQ (not making weight)
Motoki Miyazawa Def. Hiroki Nagaoka by rear-naked choke Round 1 3:20
Hiroshi "Iron" Nakamura Def. Wataru Miki by Decision 2-0
Yasunori Kanehara Def. Eriya Matsuda by TKO Round 2 3:00
Wataru Takahashi Def. Satoshi Nishino by TKO Round 2 1:05
Akihiro Murayama vs. Ikkei Nagamura Draw
Shuji Morikawa Def. Ken Ogawa by Decision 3-0
Ken Taisho Def. Tetsuya Nagaoka by TKO Round 1 5:00

Preliminary Fight:
Ryo Taguchi Def. Masaki Yokoyama by arm-bar Round 1 1:04


Chris 25 April 2009 at 23:35  

What?? They can't seriously give Hironaka the win.

Borre 26 April 2009 at 11:17  

I thought that was strange too... But if they have it clearly in the rules, "You dont make weight, you're DQ", then I am for it.

I think the pressure should be on the fighter to make weight, not on the fighter making weight to accept the fight... (like it was with Akano vs. Santos)

mdunahoo 28 April 2009 at 23:53  

I was offered a fight with Hironaka about four weeks out form the event I accepted thinking the fight was at 170 lbs at that point I began weight gainer and about 9 days out I found out it was actually at 155 lbs at that time I was 185 preparing to cut to 170, so I decided to give it a shot, it was a hard cut of canned tuna and liquid vitamins for a week, I was down to 169 lbs three days out. I didn’t think I could make it so I emailed them to tell them my weight, they assured me it was ok to come anyway it would be worked out. So I flew out on the 23rd only had a half a protein bar and a cup of o.j. with ice upon my arrival instead of going to weigh inns I was taken to the hotel sauna and was given a sauna suit and told to try to cut the weight. I was shocked but I had already come that far so jetlagged and no food or h20 I sat in the sauna for 4 hrs til 8pm rubbed myself with aboline then slept til 6am, back in the sauna at 7am til 12 noon the day of the fight until I was told to leave by staff at that point more aboline then napped til 2pm when I was rushed off for weigh inns at the arena still no food or water. When I arrived I scaled at 158 lbs this was 3:30pm after they told me still no food or h20 until its “official” so I did medicals, group fight rules, got my gloves and went back to my private dressing room with a locked thermostat at 69 degrees very cold. So there I waited until about 4:30pm when I was asked to weigh in again. I walked out and stepped on again at 158lbs while Hironaka stood and watched with his team eating noodles and fruit cups. He looked to be about 180 lbs and I never saw him weigh in, I just had to go by what they told me. So at that point I started to drink my pedialyte and began throwing up, the medical staff gave me an I.V. and determined I was dangerously dehydrated. My Japanese friend that was helping me out left to renegotiate my contract at which I was only making 500.00 anyway to whatever I didn’t care I just wanted to fight. As I sat in my dressing room awaiting a decision, Hironakas manager popped his head in a couple times and at 5:30 half hour before the event Hironaka decided it would be to risky for him to take the fight with me being over the limit. So a 158 lbs dehydrated malnourished, jetlagged fighter with no corner man all alone was too risky? While he was about 180lbs healthy heavy and at home with about a 6 man team, wow……. P.s. I only received a contract regarding 155lbs weight class on the 22nd the day before I flew out lol… So as I was packing up in my dressing room, I noticed on the tv he was out in the cage warming up shadow boxing getting ready to pretend he was surprised their was no fight, what a joke

mdunahoo 29 April 2009 at 00:00  

its very sad that to see I was given a loss on my record when I never signed a contract, also I offered Hironaka my purse in the renegotiation, he still turned it down, he never expected me to show at weigh ins, I wish i had a picture of his face when I walked in, he had no plans to fight that night

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