5/16 JEWELS 3rd Ring - Card Updated

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Jewels 3rd event will include some ShootBoxing fights, and this is a testament to how popular this form of fighting is becoming. Of course there will be the usual Jewels/MMA rules fights as well.

The 2nd event was not the best, but this card is looking interesting. Fighting in the ShootBoxing fights will be ShootBoxer Misato Tomita and the popular MMA veteran Saori Ishioka. The opponents are not yet set.

Also fighting in this event will be the SmackGirls veteran "Hiroko", her opponent is not yet named, but it is said to be a foreign fighter.

Harumi has been in both the JEWELS events so far, she is 0-10 in her career, and she is back to have another go at getting the win. This time she is taking on Chihiro Oikawa and one of them will get their 1st win.

ShootBoxing Fights:
Misato Tomita vs. TBA
Saori Ishioka vs. TBA (ShootBoxing fighter)

MMA Rules fights:
Open: Yuko "Hiroko" Yamanaka 6-1-0 vs. TBA (Foreign Fighter)
48kg: Misaki Takimoto 9-10-4 vs. 4-14-0 Yukiko Seki
Open: HARUMI 0-10-0 vs. 0-1-0 Chihiro Oikawa


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