5/10 Shooto Final Tradition - T-Shirt

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Shooto is putting on the best card I can remeber for their final "Tradition" event, and of course such an occation demands a t-shirt. The Shooto t-shirts always look good and this will be sold at the event for JPY 4,500.

The card has fighters such as Takanori Gomi, Mitsuhiro Ishida, Megumi Fuji, Mizuto Hirota, Koutetsu Boku and "Lion" Takeshi.

A reminder of the fights announced:

Lightweight Title Fight:
"Lion" Takeshi Inoue 15-3-0 vs. 24-13-2 Rumina Sato

Welter: Takanori Gomi 29-5-0 vs. 11-2-1 Takashi Nakakura
Welter: Koutetsu Boku 13-5-2 vs. 6-1-1 Yutaka Ueda
Welter: Mitsuhiro Ishida 18-4-1 vs. 10-3-1 Mizuto Hirota
Fly: Megumi Fuji 16-0-0 vs. Kim Don Hee (?)
Welter: Kenichiro Togashi 8-6-5 vs. 19-8-0 Tetsuji Kato
Welter: Yusuke Endo 12-2-2 vs. 12-1-0 Willamy Chiquerim "Chiqueirinho"
Light: "Wicky" Akiyo Nishiura 9-4-1 vs. 4-2-1 Takumi Ota
Middle: Zon Yon Ze (?) vs. 4-1-2 Takesuke Kume


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