7/11 Jewels 4th Ring - Fight Order/New T-Shirts

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The main event for Jewels 4th Ring is not unexpectedly Megumi Fuji against Saori Ishioka. I dont think Ishioka will give Mega-Megu her first loss, but she is a very popular fighter and I am sure the crowd will be enthusiastic about this fight.

For the occation, both Megumi Fuji and Saori Ishioka have designed new t-shirts, they will be sold at the event. This is Megumi Fujis shirt and it cost JPY3,675.

This is Saori Ishiokas shirt, it costs JPY 5,040.

The event is already sold out, there will be standing tickets on sale at the door, but if you are interested in those I would get there early. The doors open at noon.

But there are more popular fighters on the card than the fighters in the main event, amongst others: Hitomi Akano and Shizuka Sugiyama. And of course some very interesting talent, such as Celina Haga Rina Tomita and Mika Nagano.

Main Card:
10. Main-Event - 52kg: Megumi Fuji 17-0-0 vs. 7-3-0 Saori Ishioka

9. 60kg: Hitomi Akano 14-6-0 vs. 7-5-0 Miki Morifuji
8. 64kg: Shizuka Sugiyama 3-0-0 vs. 5-7-0 Hari
7. 60kg: Harumi 0-11-0 vs. 0-0-0 Hiroko Kitamura
6. 56kg: Celine Haga 0-1-0 vs. 2-0-1 Mutsumi Kasai
5. 54kg: Mika Nagano 2-2-0 vs. 2-0-0 Rina Tomita
4. 50kg: Yukiko Seki 5-16-0 vs. 2-3-0 Asami Kodera
3. ShootBoxing Rule: Rena vs. Tomoko SP

Opening Fights (Amature):
2. 52kg: Miyoko vs. Ayuka Hamazaki
1. 54kg: Yuko Kagoshima vs. Emi Murata


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