7/18 HEAT 10 - Fight Order

Thursday, 16 July 2009

HEAT will have their have their second event in Tokyo and their 10th over all. They will have the heavyweight tournament finals in this event, and it should be a good event. They always put on a good show.

The main event is the MMA heavyweight tournament final between Sentory and Cristiano Kaminshi. This is a rematch, and Kaminishi won the first fight with a KO late in the first round.

The other final is kick-rules and will see K-1 veteran Hiromi Amada take on another K-1 veteran in Makoto Uehara.

HEAT Heavyweight Tournament Finals:
10. MMA-Rule: Sentoryu 5-7-0 vs. 6-1-0 Cristiano Kaminishi
9. Kick-rule: Hiromi Amada vs. Makoto Uehara

Non-Tournament - MMA-Rule:
8. MMA-Heavy: Ryo Takigawa vs. 6-11-0 Junpei Hamada
7. Kick-Open: Gotoku Onda vs. Diamond Flyer
6. MMA-Feather: Koji Yoshida 2-5-2 vs. 9-11-2 Masaya "J-Taro" Takita
5. Kick-Middle: Kinji vs. Danilo Zanolini
4. Welter: Yoshitaro Niimi 6-4-2 vs. 2-3-0 Hiroshi Masabuchi

Opening Fights - HEAT New Age:
3. Kick-Rule: Mohan Dragon vs. Kenji
2. MMA-Rule: Takayuki Sato vs. Ikuo Miyashita
1. MMA-Rule: Koji Sasaki vs. Hiroyuki Sato


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