10/26 KI-1 World Max 2009 Final - Semi-Finals Announced

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

FEG have today announced the match-ups for the K-1 world max final to be held in Yokohama Arena on October 26.

FEG have deceided to match the 2 surprise fighters against each other. That means that Giorgo Petrosyan will face the Japanese hope, Yuya Yamamoto. The other semi-final sees 2 veterans face off. Andy Souwer was the winner in 2007 and 2005, he is facing the champion from 2004 and 2006, Buakaw Por. Pramuk.

Of course, the final will be held the same night.

The reserve fight will see Yoshihiro Sato take on Yasuhiro Kido.

Andy Souwer vs. Buakaw Por. Pramuk
Giorgo Petrosyan vs. Yuya Yamamoto

Yoshihiro Sato vs. Yasuhiro Kido


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