10/24 GCM Valkyrie 03 - Participants Announced

Thursday, 27 August 2009

GCM is planning another double header, with the female fighters of Valkyrie kicking off the action in Differ Ariak at 12.30. The male fighters with finish off what should be an action packed day with a Cage Force event later in the day.

Valkyrie have announced 9 participants, but no match-ups yet. On the card will be some very good fighters: Naoko Omuro, Emi Fujino, "Sachi" and Fukuko Hamada to name a few.

Naoko Omuro 9-7-3
Emi Fujino 8-3-0
Maho Muranami 4-5-2
Sachiko Yamamoto 5-4-1
Masae Mori 0-1-0
Yuko Takagi
Fukuko Hamada 4-3-0
Yukiko Seki 5-17-0


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