1/14 ClubDEEP Future King Tournament

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Dai Moriyama 0-2-0 vs. 2-6-0 Tomoyoshi Iwamiya
Yoshiyuki Nakanishi 1-0-0 vs. Yoshiyuki Kato
Wakaarashi vs. Kintaro Tsurukame
權代祐典 vs. Tomoichiro Iwakami
Nakano Hiroshi 3-1-0 vs. 3-1-3 Yuki Ito
Tomoya Miyashita 4-4-4 vs. 0-1-0 Masaaki Izena
Ippo Watanuki 5-5-1 vs. Yasuhiro Kimura
Daigo Ishijima 0-1-0 vs. Sadao Kondo
Future King Tournament ◎Under 65kg Final
Future King Tournament ◎Under 70 kg Final
Future King Tournament ◎under 76kg Final
Future King Tournament ◎under 82 kg Final

Future King Tournament START 14.30

◎Under 65kg
Tatsu Wada /Tokyo
Tsubasa Akiyama 1-0-0/Yamaguchi
Makoto Akazawa 1-0-0/Osaka
Seiji Akao 0-1-0/Hamamatsu
Takuya Ogura 1-0-0/Sendai
Masaki Yanagisawa 4-4-1/Kanezawa
【推薦】 Seeded fighters(?)
Kota Ishibashi 0-1-0, Makoto Kamaya 7-3-0

◎Under 70 kg
Seigo Inoue 1-1-0/Tokyo
Kazumasa Otani 1-1-0/Osaka
Yusuke Suzuki 1-1-0/Hamamatsu
Luiz 5-2-2/Sendai
Yuya Osugi 3-1-1/Kanezawa
【推薦】 Seeded fighters(?)
Kenta Okuyama 7-3-0

◎under 76kg
Yoshihiki Ishida 1-0-0/Tokyo
Masahiro Ono /Yamaguchi
Junzo Tokunaga 1-1-0/Osaka
ホベルトリママルコス (Roberto Lima Markos?)/Hamamatsu
Tetsuya Yoshioka 2-0-0/Kanezawa

【推薦】 Seeded fighters(?)
Hidenobu Koike 3-7-2, Norimasa Iwasaki 0-1-0

◎under 82 kg
Yuichi Kishino 1-0-0/Yamaguchi
Yosiyume Chodo 2-2-1/Hamamatsu
Masaya Dohi 1-0-0/Sendai
Ryuhei Arai 3-1-0/Kanezawa

【推薦】 Seeded fighters(?)
Teruhiko Kubo 3-6-1


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