1/30 Pancrase Shining Tour 1

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Pancrase have finalized their card for 1.30. This looks like it will be an awesome event.

As I have announced earlier, the planned lightweight tournament is cancelled, and I am a little confused about what will happen... The tournament is cancelled, yet the Oumakhanov vs. Shoji is said to be a semi-final. I can only assume that the winner here will face the #1 ranked Yuji Hoshino for the title in March.

Either way, this will be very good event, headlined by Kitaoka vs. Inoue. Returning to the ring is WINDY Tomomi, after spending most of 2007 sidelined by an ankle injury. I will be good to see her back in action.

Katsuya Inoue 15-5-2 vs. 19-7-9 Satoru Kitaoka
Artur Umakhanov 7-1-0 vs. 5-2-0 Shoji
Gadzhiev Alavutdin 5-1-0 vs. 10-13-4 Yuji Hisamatsu
Shinsuke Shoji 4-3-1 vs. 7-3-2 Yuichi Ikari
Daisuke Hanazawa13 7-9-4 vs. 5-10-2 Wataru Takahashi
WINDY Tomomi 9-8-0 vs. 2-3-0 Emi Tomimatsu
Sotaro Yamada 4-3-0 vs. 4-1-0 Strasser Kichi
Yuki Yamasawa 1-4-0 vs. 3-0-0 Seiya Kawahara


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