Shooto 2008 Rookie Tournament Fights

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Here are the fights that are in the 2008 Rookie Tournament. The fights will be part of the Shooto events throughout the year, and I will try to update on them as they progress.

The winners of the 2 fights that are listed together will face each other.

Flyweight tournament
Mikio Yamakami vs。Winner of Run vs. Gou Sato
Yusuke Sato vs. 1-1-0 Tatsuya Yamamoto

Masuda “Bull” Teppei 0-1-0 vs. 安芸 佳孝(徳島/アンドレイオス)

Junji Ito 2-1-0 (Def. Kazuyuki Tori)

Bantamweight Tournament
Fumihara Kitahara 1-0-0 vs. Winner of
Fujita 成保(青森/T-Pleasure)vs. Hiroaki Ijima

Kentaro Watanabe vs. Jun Nakazoe

Aki Kota 1-0-0 (Def. Tobizaru☆No.02 (fighting 1.26))

Featherweight Tournament
Yuta Nezu vs. Winner of
Masumi Tozawa 0-0-2 vs. 越智 Haruo

Eda “塾長”Kosuke vs. Winner of
Yuki vs. Nakashi

蜉蝣(東京/和術慧舟會東京本部)vs. Winner of
George “KawamataJoestarジョースター vs. Ito 裕亮(愛知/ALIVE)

AKI vs. Winner of
Keita Yoshida vs. Shunsuke Nomura

Lightweight tournament
Gamon Chokugeki vs. Winner of
Daiki Tsuchiya vs. Hideki Nishino (fighting 2.23)

YOKOSAI vs. Mitsuru Kobayashi
Kenichiro Marui vs. Hiroshige Tanaka

Kasuhiro Kaneyama vs. Winner of
Issei Tamura vs. Hiroaki Nakayama

Takuya Ota vs. Winner of
Makoto Akazawa vs. Ono 虎眼 賢良(兵庫/総合格闘技ゴンズジム)

Welterweight tournament
中島 邦男(茨城/マッハ道場)vs. Winner of Gipsy Taro vs. Hibiki Tamura
Hiroshi Sugimoto vs. Yasuaki Kishimoto

Junpei Konno vs. 臼田 育男(東京/木口道場)
KG Shinto vs. Kazuya Satomoto

Middleweight tournament
Kume 鷹介(愛知/ALIVE)vs. Winner of
Youichiro Sato vs. Ishinaka 暢(京都/PUREBRED京都)

Takuya Sato vs. Winner of
Naoki Hirayama vs. 小知 和晋(東京/和術慧舟會東京本部)

Light-heavyweight tournament
Chomorama 1/2 vs. Winner of
Soujiro Iseki vs. 御子柴 直司(東京/極真会館)

℃-BOY vs. Winner of
Aberu Tanaka vs. Fujikawa 展康(福岡/TEAMバナナ)


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