12/10 DEEP 39 - Lightweight Tournament Announced!

Friday, 14 November 2008

Earlier this year DEEP stripped Hwan Sung Bang of the Lightweight Title. Of course this is a spot they need to fill. With Obiya coming back, they have a posible champion, but what is better than a tournament??

There will be 8 fighters fighting for this title, 3 fights are announced today.
The fighters in this tournament will be Nobuhiro Obiya, Yoshihiro Tomioka, Jutaro Nakao, Katsunori Kikuno, Seigo Inoue, Toshikazu "ISE" Iseno, Daisuke Nakamura and Koichiro Matsumoto.

Here are the fights announced today:
Nobuhiro Obiya 9-3-1 vs. 12-6-4 Yoshihiro Tomioka "Barbaro44"
Jutaro Nakao 22-13-4 vs. 8-1-1 Katsunori Kikuno
Seigo Inoue 4-4-1 vs. 6-4-2 Toshikazu "ISE" Iseno

Previously announced:
Yuichi Nakanishi 9-7-3 vs. 13-7-0 Yuya Shirai
Daiki Hata "DJ Taiki" 8-5-3 vs. 15-7-2 Naoya Uematsu

DEEP vs. Wajyutsu Keisyukai
Eiji Ishikawa 17-15-2 vs. 4-3-0 Yusaki Tsukumo
Yuta Watanabe 8-2-3 vs. 14-4-2 Yukiya Naito
Luiz Andrade I 7-6-3 vs. 2-3-3 Shinobu Miura


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