11/24 HEAT 5 - Nagoya

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Hatsu Hioki steps into the ring again in Nagyoa. The last time the home fans expected a victory, but was disappointed. That streached his losing streak to 2. With 2 loses in a row he really needs to redeem himself. This time he faces the experienced Brian Geraghty, who has 1 UFC fight.

Also worth a mention is Chritiano Kaminishi, who holds a record of 4-0-0, I saw him against Sentoryu earlier this year and was very impressed. Osami Shibuya, Pancrase veteran, is also on the card.

The card is full of interesting fighters, so if you`re in Nagoya, this it the place to be on November 24. Check out the HEAT web-site for details (http://heatofficial.com/).

Hiroshi Umemura 10-7-3 vs。Nat Mclntyre
Hatsu Hioki 12-3-1 vs。17-10-1 Brian Geraghty
MAX Fernandes vs。5-5-0 Yoshitomo Watanabe
Danilo Zanolini vs。Syunsuke Ohishi
Cristiano Kaminishi 4-0-0 vs。1-0-0 Kazuhisa Tazawa
Atsuhiro Tsuboi 5-10-2 vs。Jyunichi Maruyama
Osami Shibuya 34 - 31 - 15 vs。4-1-0 Gil Freitas
Ryuta Noji 6-3-0 vs。Andrew Peck
Tatsufumi Tomihira vs。2-2-0 Alex Roberts

Daiki Suzuki 0-1-0 vs。Kazuyosi Hioki
Gaku Sakai vs。Hiroaki Suzuki


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