Fedor to fight in Japan on NYE?

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

The last week rumors have been flowing regarding what will happen in Saitama Super Arena on NYE. Former DSE staff members are putting on what seems to be a double event. What is for sure is that Hustle, a Japanese pro-wrestling organization is holding an event in the afternoon. The trigger for the rumor seems to be an option to hold a MMA event the same evening.

As Fedor who has strong connections to Japan and has fought on NYE in Japan for 4 years running, has in an open letter stated that he would like to fight this year as well.Not only that, he has disucssed this option with the M-1 management, and they are supportive. The condition is that there is an event available. Now with Saitama Super Arena available to the former DSE staff, this might be possible. Time is short, but the Pride staff had strong connections with the DEEP staff. Is it possible that Saeki and the former DSE staff can pull this together?? If they can, they have half the main event ready to fight.



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