12/01 Cage Force 05 - The Finalists

Monday, 19 November 2007

On December 1 Cage Force will hold their welter- and lightweight tournement finals. This will be a very good event, at least if we are to judge by the semi-finals.

I have added them below. The finals are as follows:
Yoshiyuki Yoshida 8-2-0 vs 16-5-0 Dan Hardy
Koutetsu Boku 13-3-1 vs 6-1-0 Artur Oumakhanov

Welterweight Semi-final 1
Yoshiyuki Yoshida vs. Akira Kikuchi

Akira Kikuchi vs Yoshiyuki Yoshida (Cageforce 4)
Uploaded by Cyborgasm

Welterweight Semi-final 2
Dan Hardy vs. Hidetaka Monma

Cageforce 4 Monma Hidetaka vs Dan Hardy
Uploaded by kaelito

Lightweight Semi-final 1
Koutetsu Boku vs. Eiji Mitsuoka - Part 1

Part 2

For Artur Oumakhanov I have been unable to find the semi-final fight... It was pretty boring anyway... But here he is from December 06 against Yuji Miyazaki.

artur oumakhanov
Uploaded by IvanCanello


Anonymous,  19 November 2007 at 22:45  

WAR Dan Hardy !!

This is a fantastic card and i'm sure Dan will imopress

Anonymous,  20 November 2007 at 10:06  

the last cage force card was awesome ! i'we just watch the last ufc ( 78 ) and, sincerly if you put off the lights and the babes (;-D), i preferd 10 times cage force ! each fighters who's in CF deserved to be in .this is def. the best world underground cage event!
thanks to you japan mma

Borre 20 November 2007 at 13:51  

This will be awesome event, fight of the night, there is no doubt in my mind it will be Dan Hardy vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida.

The other final also looks very good, Koutetsu Boku is an amazing fighter. I am just worried that Oumakhanov has not had enough rest between the fights.

In addition to these there are another 9 (!) fights (hoping that all of them come through).

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