12/12 DEEP Impact 33

Saturday, 10 November 2007

DEEP has put up a very tight schedule in December. There are 4 events announced (there might be more). With the main so far being DEEP 33.

To me it seems there is no main event, nor fighter for the main event announced yet.

Here is the card so far:

Hidetada Irie 3-3-1 vs 8-9-0 Yuji Sakuragi
Jutaro Nakao 20-12-4 vs 1-1-0 Pang Sung Hwan
Hirotaka Miyakawa 2-3-0 vs 1-2-0 Min Suk Heo
Muscle Hiranuma 2-2-0 vs 0-3-0 (1NC) Iro Zeki
Isamu Sugiuchi 4-4-2 vs 0-3-0 Toshiaki Kitada
Junpei Hamada 4-9-0 vs 1-0-0 Shunske Inoue
Sen Nakadai 4-8-0 vs 23-26-10 Kosei Kubota
Koji Yoshida 2-4-2 vs 2-1-0 Koichiro Matsumoto

Hisae Watanabe 18-6-0 vs Genkamu Rukchamupokam (?)
Sojiro Orui 5-1-3 vs 1-3-0 Masataka Chinushi
Hirotaka Inoue vs 5-3-1 Yasushi Kitazaki

Also participating will be:
Yasuhito Namekawa, Sojiro Orui, Koichiro Matsumoto


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