12/01 Cage Force 05 - Pictures

Friday, 7 December 2007

The Cage Force finals produced a lot of good fights. Unfortunately the cage made taking pictures more difficult, but by the end of the night we managed to get some decent shots. Of course the ring-girls outside the cage was easier to document and no, they were not making wine or participating in any other grape related activities.

Anyway, first of some pictures from the fighting. In what I expected to be the best fight of the night Dan Hardy faced Yoshiyuki Yoshida. Unfortunately, the fight did not end as the fans and fighters wanted. Yoshida caught a kick to the groin and could not continue.

For Dan Hardy this meant the end to his 5 fight winning streak. For those of you in Nottingham, he will try to start a new one this weekend as he fight Manuel Garcia. The fight will take place in the Harvey Hadden Sports Centre.

In the other final of the night, Koutetsu Boku faced Artur Oumakhanov. This was a very close fight with Artur winning a deserved victory in the end. The deciding factor was his ability to make his punches hit the target.

As always in Japan, the ring-girls play an important part of these events. For those of you that have not been to an event in Japan, the ring-girls here have a pretty goo reputation and some have an active fan following. Either way, they add something extra to the events and as usual the girls at this event did a very good job.


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