1/30 Pancrase Shining Tour 1 - Update on Emi Tomimatsu

Saturday, 16 February 2008

As we all know, Emi Tomimatsu lost by TKO to WINDY Tomimatsu in Pancrase Shining Tour on January 30. To everyone there it was obvious that she took some kick to the abdomen and was unable to continue.

What followed has not really been followed up on... Appearantly Emi Tomimatsu was urgently taken to the hospital where it was
discovered that she had very serious injuries (peritonitis and damage to the intestinal tract. Doctors operated the same day, and she is recovering. However, it seems coming back to fighting will be difficult. I know nothing more than what it says in the Japanese Wikipedia, but I can only hope that she makes a full recovery.



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