Mark Hunt signs with...
Wednesday 6 February 2008
Mark Hunt signs with Hustle. As you might remember, Mark Hunt was a guest of the Pro-wresting organization last year. Now he has signed with them, and will make his debut as a pro-wrestler later this year.
What this means for his MMA career, I am not sure about, but mixing pro-wrestling and MMA is not unusual in Japan.
As I am sure you have noticed, there was a type-o originaly... I have very fat fingers (picture sausages with meatballs as fingertips) and wrote the name wrong.
If you are looking for news on Mark Munt, I am sorry, I have none....
I'm not sure about Mark Hunt becoming a prowrestler but I do know that he signed to dream to fight MMA....i read it on his
Hunt did some pro-wrestling with Hustle in early 2008, before his return to the DREAM ring.
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