Shooto 2008 Rookie Tournament Set-up

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

No other post has taken me longer to prepare, so I hope it works out once I post this...

Anyway, here is the setup for the 2008 Rookie tournament. I have update the fight results for the fights that are already held, and the dates for the fights where it is determined. No doubt these tournaments will provide some good entertainment through the year.

The setup I have here is pretty much taken from the shooto site, just updated so I could get it in here. For the fighters I haven't been able to translate the names, hopefully I will be able to update that throughout the year.

■Flyweight/ 9 participants

      ┌─Mikio Yamakami
     │└┤Fighting 3.16
     │  └Gou Sato
   ││┌─Yusuke Sato
   │  └─1-1-0 Tatsuya Yamamoto
   │  ┌─ 0-1-0 Masuda “Bull” Teppei
   ││└─安芸 佳孝
     │┌─ 2-1-0 Junji Ito
       └─Kazuyuki Tori (Lost round 1, 1.26)

■Bantamweight/7 participants

     ┌─1-0-0 Fumihara Kitahara
   ││┌Fujita 成保
   │  └Hiroaki Ijima
   │  ┌Kentaro Watanabe
   │┌┤ Fighting 3.23
   ││└Jun Nakazoe
     │┌Tobizaru☆No.02 (Lost round 1, 1.26)
      └Aki Kota 1-0-0

■Featherweight/12 Participants

      ┌─Yuta Nezu
     ││┌Masumi Tozawa 0-0-2
     │└┤Fighting 2.23
     │  └越智 Haruo
   ││  ┌Yuki
   ││┌┤Fighting 2.23
   │  └─Eda “塾長”Kosuke
   │  ┌─蜉蝣
   │││┌George “Kawamata” Joestarジョースター
   ││└┤ Fighting 3.16
   ││ └Ito 裕亮
     │  ┌Keita Yoshida
     ││└Shunsuke Nomura

■Lightweight/13 participants

      ┌─Gamon Chokugeki
     ││┌Daiki Tsuchiya
     │└┤ Fighting 2.23
     │  └Hideki Nishino
   ││  ┌YOKOSAI
   │││└Mitsuru Kobayashi
   │  │┌Kenichiro Marui
   │  └┤ Fighting 3.28 
   │   └Hiroshige Tanaka
   │  ┌─Kasuhiro Kaneyama
   │││┌Issei Tamura
   ││  └Hiroaki Nakayama
     │  ┌Makoto Akazawa
     │┌┤ Fighting 3.23
     ││└Ono 虎眼 賢良
      └─Takuya Ota

■Welterweight/9 participants

       ┌─Nakashima 邦男
     ││┌Gipsy Taro
     │└┤Fighting 3.15
     │  └Hibiki Tamura
   ││┌─Hiroshi Sugimoto
   │└┤ Fighting 3.15
   │  └─Yasuaki Kishimoto
   │  ┌─Junpei Konno
   ││└─臼田 育男
     │┌─KG Shinto
     └┤Fighting 3.21
      └─Kazuya Satomoto

■Middleweight/6 participants

     ┌─Kume 鷹介
   ││┌Youichiro Sato
   │└┤ Fighting 3.21
   │  └Ishinaka 暢
   │  ┌Naoki Hirayama
   │┌┤ Fighting 3.21
   ││└小知和 晋
     └─Takuya Sato

■Light-Heavyweight/6 participants

     ┌─Chomorama 1/2
   ││┌Soujiro Iseki)
   │└┤Fighting 2.23
   │  └御子柴 直司
   │ ┌Aberu Tanaka
   │┌┤ Fighting 3.15
   ││└Fujikawa 展康


Anonymous,  6 February 2008 at 09:10  

this should be pretty sweet

Borre 6 February 2008 at 15:03  

It should be good. Very good chance for new fighters to make a name for themselves.

Anonymous,  7 February 2008 at 09:00  

Yeah. I just found your blog a few days ago and i bookmarked it in my favorites because it's one of the only ones i've found with so much info about japanese mma. I'm guessing you're from america but have you ever gone to japan?

Borre 8 February 2008 at 13:56  


I am Norwegian, living in Japan. Been here for about 4 years now.

Reason I started the blog was that it was hard for me to find information about events in English, so thought it might help a few people.

I am glad you like it, and thank you for your comments. Always encouaging to get feedback!

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Please contact me on
*I am not able to arrange or set up fights, for this please contact the organizations directly.

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For purchasing tickets in Japan see here

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