Cage Force Featherweight Tournament

Monday, 18 February 2008

This is the set-up and how they will match up. The first quarterfinal was fought February 11, the remaining 2 are coming up on April 5.

For those of you who are in Japan, Samurai Fighting TV will air Cage Force Eastern EX on March 3 at 10PM - Mid-night.

  ┌Akiyo “Wicky” Nishiura (7-2-1)
│└Jong Man Kim (Lost 2.11)

││┌Adrian Pang (13-5-1)
│└┤ Fighting 4.5
│ └Armando Sanchez (9-5-0)

│  ┌Takeshi Yamazaki
││└Daiki Ozaki (Lost 2.11)
  │┌Yuji Hoshino (13-7-7)
  └┤Fighting 4.5
    └Antonio Carvalho (10-3-0)

For the Bantamweight tournament I dont think the fights have been set up yet. There is also 1 fighter yet to be named, but this should be a very good tournament. The tickets go on sale Feb. 20, so I am expecting some clarity around the Bantamweight tournament soon.


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