3/21 Shooto - Kitazawa Townhall

Sunday, 9 March 2008

For this event, there are more losses than wins on the card... Still I want to take you back to 2003 Katsuhisa Akasaki stepped into the ring against a debutant Nat McIntyre. At the time Akasaki's record was 0-10-1. Before the night was over, Akasaki had secured his first win. Nat McIntyre has not lost since (I would like to see him back here!). The 21st, Akasaki is facing Matsufuji from Fukuoka (his record isnt much better...). I always cheer for fighters from Fukuoka, its where I studied Japanese. If you go to this event, cheer for these guys, they both deserve it.

This card I am actually more excited about the rookie tournament than the main-card, but this will be an event where some fighters will get an hard earned victory.

Kenichi Sawada 3-7-2 vs. 2-2-0 Katsuya Murofushi
Yuji Inoue 3-3-1 vs. 5-6-2 Kyotaro Nakao
Shinichi Hanawa 3-6-1 vs. 1-3-0 Joji Shimada
Katsuhisa Akasaki 2-13-1 vs. 1-4-0 Hiroharu Matsufuji

Shooto Rookie Tournament:

KG Shinto vs. Kazuya Satomoto
Youichiro Sato vs. Ishinaka 暢
Naoki Hirayama vs. 小知和 晋


Anonymous,  11 March 2008 at 06:21  

Yeah Nat Mcintyre is really good! I just saw him fight in October and he dominated!

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