DREAM - Pawel Nastula joining?
Monday, 3 March 2008
Polish Pride veteral, Pawel Nastula, has in an interview with Polish TV said that his contract with the UFC is about to run out. What will he do after that? Looks like he too is on his way to DREAM (again thanks to Coyote).
Its starting to look more and more like Pride.
He has a contract with the ufc? I don't recall ever seeing him fight there.
No no no
he has negotations in the past
but now he go to Japan again
As far as I remember he had contract with UFC. UFC took over Pride with contracts, and Nastula had one fight left, but that fight has never happened, contract has expired.
Thanks for the news. Your blog is great!!!!
Nastula have made in the past some good prestations, but he has fought with top fighters...
Nastula vs Crocop ??? :)
Natsula said in the interview that he expects to be released from his contract with Zuffa within the next few months.
The contract, I would assume as has already been mentioned, is a result of the UFC/Pride deal.
Lets wait and see what happens, would be good to see him back in the ring regardless.
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