4/4 Shoot Boxing - Road to S Cup

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Shoot Boxing will hold an event April 4 in Korakuen Hall. Shoot Boxing is an interesting concept, I have yet to get to one of this events, but really want to. The fights are kick-boxing, but standing submissions and throws are allowed.

You can read more about the rules here: http://www.shootboxing.org/en/rule/index.html and of course Wiki has more on this kind of fighting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoot_boxing

Anyway, the card for April 4:

Main-Event Japan Super-Featherweight Title Fight 3Min x 5R:
Tomohiro Oikawa VS. Takeshi Ishikawa

Expert Rule 3min x 3:
Fight 9: Daiki Shishido VS. Tsuan Hoi Kwan
Fight 8: Kenji Kanei VS. Kan Ien
Fight 7: Yuta Iwashita VS. Zen Kin Jun
Fight 6: Akifumi Utagawa VS. OZ
Fight 5: Noriyuki Enari VS. Setsu Iguchi
Fight 4: Yuki Umeshita VS. Seiji Akao

Starting Class Rule 2min x 3:
Fight 3: Daiki Kawakami VS. Hiroaki Okuwa
Fight 2 (Ladies fight): Rena VS. Yuka Okamura
Fight 1: Keisuke Nobata VS. Shunichi Shimizu


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Please contact me on japanmma@gmail.com
*I am not able to arrange or set up fights, for this please contact the organizations directly.

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