3/29 DEEP Megaton GP - Match-ups

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

DEEP has announced the match-ups for their Megaton GP. I expect the fighters going at it with a lot of heart and maybe not the best of skills in this event. All in all, should make for some exciting fights.

Also, audience members weighing in at over 100kg can expect a 500yen drink coupon.

GP Fights
Muscle Hironuma vs. Mamoru Nakamura
Yusuke Kawaguchi vs. Nobuyoshi Takahara
Yoichi Babaguchi vs. Kintaro Tsurukame
Ken Orihashi vs. Wakamusashi☆Kazuki
Katsuhika Kumano vs. Ariyama Iiitomo
Ryosuke Kojima vs. Shunsuke Inoue
Wakaarashi vs. Muneyuki Suzuki
Tadahiro Hosaka vs. Shunji Kosaka

Opening fight Oyaji MEGATON
Hiroshi Kiyohara VS Yoshihito Takahashi


I was going to give this one a miss, but seems a lot of people are excited by this concept. I might go and check it out.


Anonymous,  20 March 2008 at 04:33  

I'm one of the people really excited about this!!!

Borre 20 March 2008 at 08:44  

I think it will be a fun event. In DEEP 34 they had 1 heavyweight fight and it was very exciting. Not the best of skills, but really got the crowd going.

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